Elina Marklund

Once in a life time..

Kategori: Allmänt

means there's no second chance
so I believe that you and me
should grab it while we can

make it last forever
and never give it back
It's our turn, and I'm loving where we're at
Because this moment's really all we have. 


  • .... säger:

    Du har så himla bra blogg!! :)

    Har läst igenom allt... ^^

    2008-12-02 | 21:01:57
  • Anonym säger:

    Alltså du har så himla bra blogg!! <3

    2008-12-02 | 21:04:14
  • elina säger:

    åh tack sötnos :)

    får man träffa dig snart?(:

    2008-12-02 | 22:10:56

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